Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Matter of Trust – Tips on Winning Over Your PPC Visitors

If there’s any one thing that takes the blue ribbon prize for being the most important element of a successful pay-per-click advertising campaign, it’s your company’s landing page. This is the place where all potential customers (as well as all potential lost customers) are driven whenever they express interest by clicking on your ad.
Think of your website’s landing page as a welcome mat – the very first thing a visitor sees. If you fail to make a good impression, they may just turn away and try another door. But how do you ensure they don’t? In a nutshell: build trust. Here are two great pointers on doing that.

1.      The web design that you settle on for your landing page is critical. Appropriately enough, this is where a lot of companies get into trouble – because what may look great to you could look outright shoddy (or worse, shady) to a potential customer. Focus on creating a website landing page that’s simple yet slick. Cluttered layouts that give you flashbacks to a time when buggy Angelfire web pages were all the rage should be avoided at all cost. Hiring a professional web designer is your best bet at pulling off a truly professional and trustworthy appearance.

2.      Publish your digits. Better than that, make your company’s physical address a matter of public record on your landing page. A customer is far more likely to do business with you online if they feel they have recourse to “find you” under the worst possible circumstances. In reality, the vast majority of your customers won’t pick up the phone to call you and will likely never actually send you a physical letter. But offering your company number and address is more of a subconscious assurance that will have an impact on gaining extra sales you might otherwise lose to those with trust issues.

Flyline Search Marketing is a group of experts in website design that know what it takes to win the trust of first-time website visitors. Also offering services in PPC advertising, SEO, and social media, they have an inherent understanding of all elements that go into running a successful online marketing campaign. If your company website looks like a nightmare of design, contact Santa Fe Internet Marketing today.


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