Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Comprehensive Internet Marketing Strategy Delivers Optimal Results

An online presence is a must for any business with a social media platform sitting firmly ensconced as the key  component of that presence. In addition to your business’s main website, you’ve got a Twitter account, FaceBook page, and a blog – but how often should you be updating them? While the frequency, immediacy, and function in your social media campaign vary somewhat between each online venue, certain concepts hold true across the board.

Quality over Quantity

However often you choose to update your social media outlets, the most important thing to keep is mind is quality. Make sure posts are interesting, relevant, and appropriate. Never post simply for posting’s sake. Your customers and potential customers have a limited amount of time to find, view, and process information. Post unnecessary or meaningless information and you will not only lose fans and followers, but you will see potential business and revenue migrate to your competition.

Different people have different opinions about how much is just right, but a good way to help monitor the effectiveness of your posts and posting frequency is to keep an eye on your analytics. Social media sites track statistics, such as traffic to your page or profile, number of followers or fans you have or have lost, and other metrics by which visitors interact with your posts. Using this information can help a business determine what’s working and what isn’t.

 Be Quick to Respond
When your analytics reveal a particular posting strategy isn’t working, be sure to quickly respond and adjust accordingly. It’s all too easy for a potential customer to disengage from your business’s social media if they feel bombarded or overwhelmed with updates.

If you’re still not sure where to start, the following are some general guidelines for determining how often to update:

·        A good rule of thumb for updating an outlet, such as a FaceBook page, is about once a day but certainly no more than twice a day.
·        Post information that is helpful and provides a way to add convenience or value to your followers’ lives. Also include links to other places where you have added fresh content, which encourages them to quickly veer off to that information and, in the process, increase traffic to your website.
·        If you do update twice a day, space those updates apart like in the morning and evening in order to reach fans at different ends of the day.
·        Take the number of your fans and the type of your business into consideration. The pages of big businesses with a greater number of fans can tolerate more posts while smaller, more focused pages seem to get by on far fewer.

While it’s generally acceptable to tweet multiple times a day, remember to only post relevant, meaningful information. Twitter’s immediacy makes it great for more time-sensitive information, such as daily specials or special promotions, and it is also an excellent way to connect with customers in real time.

Here are some thoughts about blogging frequency:
·        The frequency of blog posts depends on what type of information you’re trying to convey. If your blog features product-related posts, such as how-to tips and suggestions on product use, then once a week or even once every other week is fine. If you use your blog to promote daily or weekly specials and promotions, more frequent updates are necessary.
·        Length is also an important consideration. Generally, the longer the post is, the longer the time between posts should be. Conversely, shorter blog entries can be posted more often.
·        Who are your readers? Knowing your audience and their needs goes a long way toward determining how often you can update your blog without overwhelming or alienating your customers.

 Your Experiences
What are your challenges with keeping up with your social media campaign? Do you need assistance? Want to find out how an Internet Marketing specialist can help you? Contact Flyline Search Marketing or leave your comments below.


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